Cylinder|| SEE

 A cylinder is a three-dimensional solid that holds two parallel bases joined by a curved surface, at a fixed distance. These bases are normally circular in shape and the center of the two bases are joined by a line segment, which is called the axis. The perpendicular distance between the bases is the height, “h” and the distance from the axis to the outer surface is the radius “r” of the cylinder.


The cylinder has three major quantities, based on which we have the formulas.

  • Lateral Surface Area or curved surface area
  • Total Surface Area
  • Volume

Let us see, their formulas now.

Curved Surface Area of Cylinder

The area of the curved surface of the cylinder which is contained between the two parallel circular bases. It is also stated as a lateral surface area. The formula for it is given by:

Curved Surface Area = 2πrh square units

Total Surface Area of Cylinder

The total surface area of a cylinder is the sum of curved surafce area and the area of two circular bases.
TSA = Curved surface + Area of Circular bases
TSA = 2πrh + 2πr2
We can see, from the above expression, 2πr is common. Therefore,

Total surface area, A = 2πr(r+h) square units

Volume of Cylinder

Every three dimensional shape or a solid has volume that occupies some space. The volume of the cylinder is the space occupied by it in any three-dimensional plane. The amount of water that could be immersed in a cylinder is described by its volume. The formula for the volume of cylinder is given by:

Volume of the Cylinder, V = πr2h cubic units

Where ‘h’ is the height and ‘r’ is the radius.
